Friday 27 March 2020

A little message from me to you.

Hello boys and girls! What wonderful weather we are having right now. I hope you're getting plenty of fresh air these days. You are still allowed to go outside while you observe social distancing from others- you are hearing this over and over again but it is SO IMPORTANT! 

My family are all doing well thankfully. We miss each other and my children especially miss their grandparents and friends. I'm sure you all feel the same but remember all of you children are doing such an amazing job. Even if it doesn't feel that way right now you will look back in years to come and be so proud of yourselves and your families.

I'm posting up corrections on the blog for your English in Practice and Mental maths regularly. I will keep updating with work and corrections and ideas. You can't do exactly what you would do at school but you need to keep reading and practising your tables everyday. Choose some pieces of work to do daily like we discussed before. Keep scrolling down through the blog in case you've missed something.

If you need to contact me directly about something use the following email address: and I will respond as soon as I can.

Take time to browse through the padlet and the websites already posted. Look at this Gaeilge game below. Use your Irish dictionary to help you.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend in this lovely sunshine and I'll be in touch again on Monday.
Help your parents. Wash your hands. Keep safe.

Take care,
Mrs Fay xx

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