Friday, 13 May 2016


-ed words
Children were given a pack of words which all ended in -ed.  Their task was to sort them out into different sounds eg. the word 'hated' has an 'ed' sound at the end, the word 'looked' has a 't' sound at the end and the word 'loved' has a 'd' sound at the end.

 Newspaper Detectives
3rd and 4th class have been studying the origin of words this year.  It's really interesting to discover how many everyday words in the English language actually originate from other languages such as French, German and Latin.  Our newspaper detectives had the task of looking through the Irish Times newspaper to see how many words from various origins they could find. They were surprised by what they found. Did you know that the word 'editor' comes from Latin and 'badminton' comes from Portuguese?!

One of our stations had to see how many words they could make using the letters from the word 'tables'.  When they were finished, they were allowed to look in the answer envelope to see just how many words could be made. There are lots!!

The 'long a' sound 
Another station had to investigate how many ways the 'long a' sound can be made in the English language. Did you ever notice that the words eight, guage, ballet, hair and gate all have a 'long a' sound yet are all spelled differently?

We really enjoyed our word study activity. The English language sure is full of surprises!!

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